For more details and purchasing information please inquire below.
e-mail |
phone | (612) 590-0912
Northrup King Building, Suite 357
1500 Jackson Street N.E.
Minnneapolis, MN 55413, USA.
“I see painting as a very physical act, and my paintings as a direct example of the creative process, containing within them the record of their realization and implementation. I am interested in separating my work from the imposing forces of commercial signification, from the things that attempt to undermine indeterminate meaning.
My work offers a reprieve from cluttered spaces and relentless action. Art, I believe, is separate from day-to-day existence. Art is a representation of thought without the necessity of explicit function. My work retains distance from the noise of the outside world and allows for a contemplative respite. My paintings invite the viewer to relate on an intuitive and spontaneous level; without irony or jest they manifest a gravity and beauty often absent in our daily lives.”